
Integrated Quality Management and Accreditation:

Integrated Quality Management

St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre recognizes integrated quality management as an important part of our day-to-day work in the provision of care and service for residents and clients.  The responsibility for ensuring quality and safety lies with every person, from every area of our organization.


December 2019

Accreditation Canada has again determined that St. Anne Centre in Arichat, NS has met the requirements of their Qmentum Accreditation program, has shown a commitment to quality improvement and has attained Accreditation.

Following an extensive self-assessment St. Anne Centre underwent a rigorous evaluation process by two surveyors from Accreditation Canada between December 1st and 4th 2019.  While there the surveyors reviewed all aspects of the organization’s operations while assessing seven sets of national standards for a total of eight hundred and thirty-six criteria evaluated.  This survey encompassed every aspect of St. Anne Centre from the Board of Directors through Administration, the physical structures and Human Resources to the provision of client care.

St. Anne Centre continues its quality improvement journey by completing an in-depth review of the Accreditation results and findings.  Then a new cycle of improvement will begin as it incorporates any outstanding issues into its quality improvement plan, further strengthening its efforts to build a robust and widespread culture of quality and safety within its walls.

2019 Accreditation Executive Summary

Accreditation Canada is a non-profit, non-government organization that helps health care organizations across Canada examine and improve the quality of care and service they provide to patients, residents and clients. Accreditation is the designation provided by Accreditation Canada when an organization meets or exceeds the national standards of health care excellence established by Accreditation Canada.

Accreditation is based on a four-year cycle and is one of the most effective measures that health care organizations can take to accurately assess their performance at a national level.

The accreditation process is voluntary. Organizations that choose to participate in this pursuit of excellence must complete a detailed self-assessment, provide evidence of compliance with the national standards, make a commitment to integrated quality management and continuous improvement and participate in an intensive peer review process.

Surveyors from Accreditation Canada visit St. Anne Centre to validate the organization’s compliance with the standards and their “roadmap” to quality.
Accreditation Canada provides a final report to the organization to give further guidance in their quest for quality improvement.

St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre successfully participated in the accreditation program since 2005.


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